Arizona Bankruptcy Law FREE ConsultationClick here to Call (602) 494-4444Or click here to request a call Bankruptcy QuizPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Have you lived in Arizona for more than 90 days? *YesNoDo you own or are you financing a home or vehicle? *YesNoHow much unsecured debt (credit cards, medical bills, repossessions/surrenders, unrecorded judgments, etc.) do you have? *less than $5,000$5,000 to $10,000$10,000 to $20,000More than $20,000Have any of your creditors taken the following actions? (check all that apply)Pressured you to make a payment you could not afford so they would stop callingServed you with a summons and complaintObtained a judgementObtained a garnishmentNotified you of a foreclosure/trustee sale dateWhat is your name? *What is your phone number? *What is your email address? *MessageSubmit